Walker’s Point, Kennebunkport

djclough / Architectural / / 0 Comments / Like this

This past July I had the honor of photographing Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport, Maine (home of former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush) for Tilbury House PublishersIt was a hot summer morning that started off hazy and cloudy, but by the time the tripod was set up and the first exposure taken, the skies had cleared and it was a beautiful day on the coast of Maine.

When this property was purchased for development in the late 1800’s, it was originally known as Point Vesuvius. The Boston architectural firm of Chapman and Fraser was hired in 1904 to build  what was to be called Rock Ledge…and the photos below explain why. It first appeared in the July 1905 edition of  American Homes and Gardens… “The site is a very rocky and rugged one, from which the name “Rock Ledge” is derived. Its rugged cliffs rise high up out of the sea. The house has been designed in the style of the modern rambling and elongated type, is built out over the rocks, and rests upon stone footings, which have been built and brought up to a proper level for the foundation.”

A special thank you to President and Mrs. Bush for their kind cooperation in this project.

Maine Coastal Cottages is due to be published in the Spring of 2014.