The Stone House, Freeport, Maine

djclough / Architectural / / 0 Comments / Like this

On assignment at The Stone House for Maine Preservation in Freeport, Maine. Designed from 1917-1923 by John Calvin Stevens for entrepreneur Stanley Wood. Wood reportedly chose this site after touring coastal properties from the Hudson River to Camden, Maine. Following the 1929 stock market crash, Wood lost nearly everything but continued to live for some time in a few rooms of his beloved home. In 1946, Philadelphia natives Lawrence M.C. and Eleanor Houston Smith purchased the house and farm and the Smiths were able to continue their work as pioneers in conservation, historic preservation and organic farming. In 1984 Eleanor Houston Smith and her children donated Wolf’s Neck Farm and the Stone House to the University of Southern Maine. The farm was transferred in 1997 by the University to Wolfe’s Neck Farm Foundation (WNFF), which continues to operate the farm as a center for the development of local food and sustainable agriculture in keeping with the Smiths’ wishes.